Archive for February, 2009

in which i twitter

In an effort to keep myself honest in my new quest for healthier living, I have created a Twitter account specifically to keep myself (and anyone who wants to pay attention!) updated on my efforts towards the healthier lifestyle. I’ll basically be Tweeting about making the effort to cook healthier foods and exercise on a regular basis. I may even start a second blog dedicated completely to this effort.

It’s time to get my ass in gear!

Anyway, follow me if you’d like:

EDIT: Anyone know of a sexier way to have my Twitter updates in the sidebar than using the RSS Widget?

EDIT #2: I decided to start the second blog! Check it out: RebaRuns

February 25, 2009 at 8:38 pm 2 comments

in which i quote

Here are a few of the quotes that hang above my desk. I like that I can glance up at them whenever I’m feeling a bit down or lost or confused, and they instantly refresh me and make me feel better. I hope they do the same for you!

“Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.” – Unknown

“Imagination is more important than knowledge.” – Albert Einstein

“Remember: You are not lost. You are exploring.” – Unknown

“May your year be filled with magic & dreams & good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you’re wonderful, and don’t forget to make some art – write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere this year, you surprise yourself.” – Neil Gaiman

February 25, 2009 at 7:35 am 2 comments

in which i admit things

I admit it: I hate shopping, but desperately need new clothes. I literally haven’t been able to afford new clothes since I was in college (almost two years ago now), so my “I’m a professional not a college student” slash “Hi, I’m a really awesome photographer and artist” slash “I’m not 12 dammit!” wardrobe is severely lacking. Luckily, my Mummay helped me buy some new clothes while I was home this past weekend.

I admit it: I like High School Musical. I even saw the newest one in the theatre. Granted, it was on a Friday at 10am, guaranteeing I was the only one in there… but, still. I am mentioning this now because I randomly felt like watching it yesterday (after ‘Can I Have This Dance’ came on my iTunes — which I swear I only have because I got it for free for buying my ticket to the movie from Fandango) and proceeding to watch the entire thing on YouTube. Cue hanging my head down in shame.

I admit it: I secretly wish I could get a job in the art department for the Harry Potter movies. Unlikely as it is, it would be freaking awesome. They create the most amazing things for those films, and it would be pretty cool to be involved with it.

I admit it: I have hooked up with J (the ex-boyfriend) several times since we broke up. And yes, I mean hoooooooked up.

I admit it: If I could, I would move to Italy in a heartbeat. My ultimate dream is to live there and support myself by selling books of my photography.

I admit it: I like to read Harry Potter fanfiction. I like to read what different people think happened between the end of Deathly Hallows and the Epilogue.

I admit it: If I didn’t have debilitating stage fright, I’d have seriously considered acting as a potential career or hobby. I had a lot of friends involved in theatre, and did some backstage stuff during high school, and always loved running lines with them and helping them rehearse. But put me on a stage in front of a ton of people, or even just having to present something to a class, and I shake visibly from fifteen feet away and can’t keep my voice steady.

I admit it: I have been a suck-tastic blogger as of late. Beyond the Vlog Day, I just haven’t felt the inspiration to drop in here. Hopefully, this slack-ass attitude will leave soon.

Do you have anything to admit?

February 22, 2009 at 8:13 pm 2 comments

in which i vlog

Sooooo. I caved and participated in the 20sb Vlog Day 2. Oy. I can’t remember the last time I heard my voice through a video or something, and I sound weird. I also think that I talk weird, but maybe that is how I talk in real life… inflection-wise, tonality, etc. Anyway, the theme was “something you love” and I decided to talk about some of my cameras. Enjoy it lovers:

Things I Love: 20SB Vlog Day 2 from Reba of OrangeMagoric on Vimeo.

For some reason, I can’t get it to embed. Anyone know how to do this on WordPress?

UPDATE: Let’s see if WordPress doesn’t delete the embed HTML info.

February 18, 2009 at 6:03 am 5 comments

in which i discuss the celebs

I don’t typically — or ever, really — discuss celebrities on here, but I thought that just this once, I’d rave about some people I’m loving lately.

First of all, Emma Watson. As I’m sure you all know, I love Harry Potter. Love the books, love the movies. And of all the young actors in the movies, Emma Watson is by far my favorite. I love her Hermione, and as a person, she always seems so collected, sure of herself, and above all: normal! She is the type of person young girls should look up to. She seems to have a good head on her shoulders and she’s determined to attend college. My kinda gal! Plus, look at how gorgeous she is (at the BAFTAs this weekend):


In a world where it is typical for young actresses and singers to dress basically as trampy as possible, it’s refreshing to see someone like Emma. She’s classy and put together, and it is a beautiful combination! I can’t think of a single other actress in her age group (she’s only, what, 18?) who looks this sophisticated on the red carpet.

Next up, Jennifer Hudson. Mainly, her performance at the Grammys, which had me glued to my television. In case you missed it, enjoy:

Truly proof that true talent can come out of ridiculous shows like American Idol. Her voice just blows me away.

I’m also loving Adele. I was so stoked she won two Grammy’s. So stoked, in fact, that I could forgive her chewing gum throughout her acceptance speech! Silly girl.

Looooove her voice. The type of voice that gives me chills. Her performance at the Grammy’s was great also… loved that they paired her with Sugarland (one of my favorite country groups… hearing ‘Stay‘ always gives me chills).

Other things I loved about the Grammy’s: Justin Timberlake and Al Green singing Let’s Stay Together; Coldplay apologizing to Paul McCartney for their reproduction of the Sgt Pepper outfits; Jennifer Nettles of Sugarland thanking Paul McCartney because she was so flustered when they won.

Things I hated about the Grammy’s: MIA’s ridiculous performance outfit; comparing the Swagga Like Us rappers to the Rat Pack; poor Stevie Wonder being forced to perform with the Jonas Brothers; Miley Cyrus proving she can’t sing by butchering such a pretty song with Taylor Swift; Zooey Deschanel’s outfit (she can do so much better!).

Did you watch the Grammy’s? Like ’em or hate ’em?

February 10, 2009 at 12:48 pm 3 comments

in which i revoke my anonymity


I’d like to be able to post pictures and take part in the 20SB Vlog Challenges. However, I won’t be telling anyone I know in real life about this and I won’t be using my real name. If someone I know in real life stumbles on this, I won’t be too upset. I just won’t be advertising that it exists.

So… Hi! Call me Reba. See you around.

February 9, 2009 at 6:10 pm 1 comment

in which i won’t be moving to new haven

I heard back from Yale today. I was regretfully rejected. Bah.

Oh well.

Cross your fingers for me that I’ll get into one of the other schools I applied to.

February 9, 2009 at 6:05 pm 1 comment

in which i have read a lot: january

I mentioned in my Resolutions post that I wanted to read more, a lot more. That eventually took shape into an actual New Years Resolution: Read 52 books this year.

You read that correctly, kids. I want to read one book every single week this year. It works out to about 4 1/3 books per month. Now, I have a slight advantage when it comes to reading a lot: I read really quickly. I don’t know if it’s technically speed-reading (I actually highly doubt it), but I have always been able to read super quickly. And not just get through the words quickly, but really read them, know what is going on, and retain that knowledge for a long time.

So, I thought it would be a nice monthly post to update the world on how my quest for reading a shit-ton of books is going. And so far, so good. Here are the books I read in January:

Week One: Atonement by Ian McEwan

I had seen the film, and was dying to read the book. And let me tell you, it is even better than the film. It is just absolutely enchanting. It has been a long time since I have come across a book that I wanted to start again the moment I finished it, but this was definitely one. Two enthusiastic thumbs up for this one.

Week Two: Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows by JK Rowling

Now, I know you might think this is cheating, since I’ve read this book (and the rest of the HP series) about ten times. But, I wanted my ‘weeks’ to be from Sunday to Saturday, and Week One started on a Thursday. So I needed a book that I could read super quickly to get me on track with the whole Sunday to Saturday thing. And I can read HP&DH in one sitting, and I love it, so it was a good choice.

Week Three: The Power of Less by Leo Babauta

A good friend of mine sent me a link to this interview with Leo Babauta, and I instantly wanted to read his book. I love the concept of simplifying my life, and would love to be able to do it. I was also incredibly inspired by what he was able to accomplish using his quite simple and straightforward methods. So I went out, bought the book, and devoured it in about two hours. And then emailed everyone I know telling them to read it. It’s a great read about how to create new habits and make attainable goals. I highly recommend this one if you’re feeling overwhelmed by life.

Week Three: Sex, Drugs & Cocoa Puffs by Chuck Klosterman

If you want a good laugh, go read this book. It is a hilarious “low culture manifesto” and is full of great pop culture references. It is a very smart, very funny book. It is simply overflowing with witty comments and funny comparisons. It’s a very fun read, with chapters touching on everything from MTV’s The Real World to Star Wars to Cover Bands. It is also one of very few books where the footnotes are just as awesome as the main text. Love it.

Week Four: The Wizard of Oz by L Frank Baum

Every bit as delightful as the movie, and actually a whole lot different than the movie. For one, the Wicked Witch doesn’t pursue Dorothy et al for the entire length of the story, only towards the end. Also, and most strikingly to me, the Winged Monkeys are actually not evil in the book! They are forced to obey whoever is in possession of the Golden Cap (which isn’t even mentioned in the movie) three times, and it just so happens that the Wicked Witch has the Cap. Anyway, it was good! I’m glad I finally read it!

Week Five: Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix by JK Rowling

I know, I know… another Harry Potter book already? What can I say… I just love them! I hadn’t read Order of the Phoenix in a while, so when the craving for some HP goodness arose, I grabbed it. Everytime I read that one, I wish that they had kept more of the chase/battle in the Dept. of Mysteries in the movie. For the most part, I acknowledge the books and movies as completely separate entities, so I usually don’t mind the differences (and I’m pretty sure I’m almost totally alone in that!), but that’s one that always bugs me.

Week Five: The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Juno Diaz

I’ve only just started this one. I brought it with me to jury duty, but ended up not having a whole lot of time to read. So far, I’m liking it. It’s totally different than anything I’ve ever read thus far, but that’s a good thing! I like reading new things. I’ll report more at the end of February!

That brings the grand total up to 7 out of 52 books. Do you have any recommendations for February?

February 1, 2009 at 12:08 pm 4 comments


February 2009


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