Posts tagged ‘nablopomo 2008’

in which there is coffee

So… my coffee maker is broken. And it is quite possibly the best coffee maker on the planet. It’s one of the ones that makes one cup at a time… which is good for me, since I’m pretty sure my body is 90% caffeine.

I actually need coffee in order to exist. I’ve always known that I get crabby when I haven’t had my morning coffee, but that was made super super clear the past four days that I went to work uncaffeinated. I am basically a shitty person when I haven’t had coffee.

This morning, my need for coffee finally* won out over my desire to not spend money, and I went to the coffee place on the corner, and life was good once again. I was recaffeinated and rejuvenated.

On the one hand, I could just stop drinking coffee. This would eventually solve the sucking at life without coffee. However, it’s just so damn good. And it allows me to function… and speak quickly… and move at a rapid pace.

Therefore, no coffee-giving-up for me. It’s my major vice and my only addiction.

And also… my coffee maker being broken is totally my excuse for epically failing at NaBloPoMo. How can I be expected to post intelligent things on here** when I can’t function at all because of the lack of caffeine? How, I ask you!!!

Also… thanks to EP, Liz & Katelin for wishing me a good week. Minus the lack of coffee… it has been better! Thanks!

*Yeah, like two days can be considered a huge challenge. But it was… for serious.
**Which I actually rarely do anyway… so no big loss.

November 19, 2008 at 10:31 pm 2 comments

this week has sucked

This week has just… sucked.

After the huge fight I had with J, I’ve basically not slept for a week. Maybe an hour or two every night.

He wrote me a five and a half page letter, apologizing for everything he said and asking for forgiveness, and he came over tonight so we could talk about it. I told him that I just couldn’t forgive him right now, and I don’t know if I ever will be able to. I know I won’t ever be able to trust him the way I used to. And I told him that I simply can’t spend a lot, if any, time with him right now.

This sucks.

Sucks, sucks, sucks.

It’s been a long shitty week.

Tell me something happy… please?

November 14, 2008 at 10:22 pm 3 comments

real simple

The one magazine I subscribe to is Real Simple, and I loooooooove it. Today, the holiday issue arrived in my mailbox and there are all types of pretty and fun things that I’m loving hardcore. Best part is that they’re all super affordable… if you need any inspiration for fun gifts, but are strapped for cash, check out the December issue!

Some of my favorites:

manictrout earringsWicked cute lucite earrings from Manic Trout! They also have pretty necklaces, bracelets and more; some are one-of-a-kind and eco-friendly!


The Intellectual Devotional: Modern Culture, by David Kidder and Noah Oppenheim. I’ve read another book in the series, and it was full of fun and interesting facts. It’s organized so that you can learn a new fact about pop-culture every single day of 2009.


Brava, Strega Nona!, by Tomie de Paola… the POPUP addition! One of my all-time favorites from when I was a kid. All children should read this book. It ROCKS!

Go check it out!

November 13, 2008 at 8:31 pm 2 comments

uncontrollable lengths

Dear lord… my hair is out of control. Absolutely, out of control.

I have this amazing hairdresser — Jerielle — back in North Carolina, right around the corner from where my parents live. I went to her all through college… literally waiting for a holiday or making an excuse to go home to get a haircut so that I wouldn’t have to find a new person to cut my hair. And now that I live in Arizona, I still try to wait until I’ll be back in North Carolina to get a haircut. It’s sad and pathetic, I know, but she’s really really good.

For the most part, I am the complete antithesis of a girly-girl… I’d rather wear jeans and a T-shirt than a skirt or a dress; I rarely wear makeup beyond concealer and chapstick; I hate shopping and deplore pedicures.

However… I have incredibly dry, coarse, curly-as-all-hell hair. If it’s cut poorly, it looks like a dead animal of some kind. Since I’ve found a great hairdresser, I’m very reluctant to find a new one. Jerielle always cuts my hair perfectly… she does this cool texturizing, layering thing that makes all the curls lay fabulously.

I have found a good combo of shampoo-conditioner-paste/gel that can sort of tame it once it starts to get too long, but the point has come. It is officially taking over my head, becoming the uncontrollable mess that it turns into once it hits the length it is.

But, salvation is near. I’m going to North Carolina for Thanksgiving, and my mom has secured me a spot in Jerielle’s chair. The crazy, curly fro is going to die a nicely-trimmed death oh-so soon.

It makes me a little sad that I spent an entire post writing about my hair. Oh well.

In completely unrelated news, I’ve been watching my Gilmore Girls DVDs lately — television sucks these days, so I’m reliving the old favorites: Friends & Gilmore — and I’m up to Season 4. I just watched the episode when Luke realizes he’s in love with Lorelai… so sweet… love it to death.

November 12, 2008 at 9:28 pm Leave a comment

sleepy wine

I had many wines with dinner tonight. The happy wine is now sleepy wine.

I need to start remembering to post these things right when I get home from work, instead of right before I go to sleep.

Good night, sweet dreams, I promise all my NaBloPoMo posts won’t be this sucktastic!

November 11, 2008 at 9:25 pm 2 comments


Sooooo… I’m sucking at NaNoWriMo. Absolutely sucking. My word count is the same as it was on Day 2, and it is now Day 10.


Maybe I’m not a writer. Maybe it’s a story that will never be finished.

Maybe I’m just a lazyass.

How are you doing at NaNo-ing?

November 10, 2008 at 10:51 pm 2 comments


I am a twenty-something, and damn proud of it! I love being in my twenties. I adore being in my twenties. I wish my twenties could last forever. Thankfully, I’m still in the first half of them (I’m 23), so I’ve got six and a half solid years left to live it up as a twenty-something!

Today, I thought I’d share one of my favorite twenty-something websites: TwentySomething TV. I actually found it through 20Something Bloggers. The host and creator, Jill Clark, added me as a friend — along with the majority of the community, I’m sure — and I’ve been hooked ever since! They recently updated the website so that it is now separated into four sections: The Living Room, The Bathroom, The Kitchen and The Bedroom. They post new shows — I think every week — about different topics that are of interest to the Twenty Something community.

And it’s awwwwwesome! You should definitely check it out. You do have to register in order to post on the forums or watch The Bedroom episodes, but it’s definitely worth it.

Go over there, NOW!

November 9, 2008 at 6:37 pm 2 comments

still can’t really process this whole thing

After yesterday’s gloriously disasterous fight with J, I still have nothing to post about. It’s pretty much all I thought about today, and after going over the whole thing twice — once with KG and once with my mom — I’m simply left with a headache and a twice-broken heart.

My best friend has told me that we basically can’t be friends anymore.

I think what hurts the most is that he has been lying to me about the state of our friendship for months. I thought we were doing so well. I thought we were both completely past it and over it, and really, truly friends again.

And what is even worse… deep down I expected him to call today and apologize. And he didn’t.

Apparently, our friendship is over… and he doesn’t think it’s worth saving.

November 8, 2008 at 10:00 pm Leave a comment

dirty mind

I was stumbling last night (if you don’t do it, you should… it’s soooo satisfying), and I found this page about interesting bookstores around the world. As I was scrolling down, I saw the pictures of the Shakespeare & Co Bookshop in Paris, France. It looks super cool, and I must now visit if — preferably when — I go to Paris again.

However, the third photo of Shakespeare & Co Bookshop on this website shows the third floor, which has a notice board… and a bed.

And alllllll I could think was:

I wonder how many people have had sex on that bed.

I couldn’t help it. Especially after I Googled the bookshop, and found out it has been open since 1951. That’s a lot of years… and I have to guess, a lot of sex.

November 6, 2008 at 7:01 am 2 comments

ramble, ramble, ramble

I really don’t have a post for today. Stupid NaBloPoMo pressuring me into feeling like I need to post something clever.* I read post after post about election day, and don’t want to post about it myself. Mainly because I voted weeks ago, so today just marks the day of relief that I don’t have to watch anymore stupid annoying campaign commercials.

I worked really hard today, and was actually exhausted mentally when I got home. I toned close to 2000 images in about six hours, which may not sound too intense… but holy crap is my brain tired. And my eyes. Sometimes I get really really sick of looking at the computer screen.**

I also haven’t worked on my NaNoWriMo at all in the past two days. That is bad, because to stay on track, I really should be writing about 1600 words a day. And now I’m two days behind. Craaaaaap. How are you other NaNo crazies doing?

And I’ve been Netflixing the entire Friends series, and I’m currently in the middle of season six. I gotta say… I have never really found any of the guys on that show super attractive… but lately… I could eat Ross with a spoon. Maybe it’s just been a while… but he is looking mighty hot lately. Never thought I would think David Schwimmer — is that even how you spell his name? — was attractive.

That is what I’ve got for today. Some complete and total random crap. Enjoy!

*Awesome how it only took four days for me to get annoyed with NaBloPoMo this year!
**And yet, here I am, on my computer.

November 4, 2008 at 9:17 pm Leave a comment

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