Posts tagged ‘fun stuff’

in which i write about daily life

I’ve noticed that I don’t often write about what I do on a day-to-day basis on here. That’s probably because I’m leading a pretty boring life at the moment. If I were to frequently write about what I did during the day, there would be a lot of posts that would look like this:

I woke up (later than I wanted to) and went to work. I worked on wedding albums and wedding photos for eight hours. I came home, ate some dinner and read until I fell asleep.

Rinse and repeat.

Not particularly exciting, right? Right. Life is not full of crazy nights out and lustful love affairs right now. For one, I don’t have the money for crazy nights out and for two, I’m not currently dating anyone. Not even a single date here or there. In fact, other than one really sucky date months ago, I haven’t dated at all since J and I broke up. At the moment, I’m pretty cool with it, considering I’m moving across the country in a little over two months. There wouldn’t be much point to starting a relationship with someone here.

But anyway, I did not start this post with the intent of moaning about my lack of a nightlife and lack of a lovelife. I started this post because, for the first time in a long time, I have something besides graduate school and random crapola to write about! I’ve actually done fun things this week! Rejoice with me, people!

First off, I went out to dinner with Jersey (my friend from college who is getting her phD out here) on Wednesday night. We ended up at a little bistro around the corner from my place, and had a great time. We had amazing food and caught up with each other and ended up randomly making conversation with two guys sitting at the table next to us, who were both about seven beers in. They were incredibly amusing, and had Jersey and I laughing hysterically for hours. It was really great to hang out with her, especially because I don’t really have any close girlfriends out here. My four closest friends all live in various cities on the East Coast, and although we talk as often as we can — through video chatting mostly — it’s not the same as being able to get dinner together.

And last night, I went rock climbing with J and about eight other people from the Meetup group I used to run, but am now just a member of. I had never done it before, so I was a little nervous. I had a vision of myself suspended above the ground, swinging back and forth, cursing like a drunken sailor. Luckily, this didn’t happen. I never made it to the top of any of the walls I tried — because of nerves, mostly… I kept getting scared the higher I got — but I successfully made it three-quarters of the way up most of them. I count that as a success. We had a great time climbing, and are thinking about making it a regular thing. After that, we undid all the hardwork of climbing by getting beer and pizza at a little place around the corner from the rock gym. We played foosball and darts, and basically had a great night!

So there ya go… finally some fun things I have done lately! It felt good to go out and do something, instead of staying in and reading all the time. I highly recommend it. And I’ll be continuing it by going to the art museum that is literally five blocks from my apartment tomorrow.

What have you done for fun lately?*

*Anyone else start singing Janet just now? “What have you done for me lately…

January 23, 2009 at 4:02 pm 2 comments

full day of fun

This morning, I had a soccer game. I play in the women’s league here, and it’s a great time. We’re in a low enough division that we’re mostly just playing for fun. It just feels great to get out into the fresh air and run around for about two hours on Sundays. I don’t actually know if we won or lost, because with about ten minutes left in the game, another player kicked me really hard, squarely in the calf (she didn’t mean to, but still… ouch!). And then with about five minutes left in the game, another girl on our team got hit in the face with the ball, and it almost knocked out one of her front teeth… as in, she was actually holding her tooth in place. So we spent the last chunk of the game trying to find a dentist that had an oral surgeon on call. It was a bit of a mess.

Aaaaand, I went bowling today! It was a Meetup event for the group that I organize, and it was super-dee-duper fun!! I haven’t been bowling for a very long time… probably not since sometime in college. There was a waaaay sketchy alley near our campus, but it was pretty cheap, and right near the $4.50 theatre, so we would often catch a movie and then hit up the bowling alley.

The one we went to today was pretty nice… run down in all the right ways, bright and shiny in all the right ways too. We had fourteen people, and bowled two full games (on two lanes) in just over two hours. I pretty much sucked. I got three strikes (which were super exciting!), but my overall scores were pretty sad. But who cares? It was way fun! I drank beer and ate shitty bowling alley nachos and had a blast with a big group of people.

And, just for fun, here are my awesome bowling shoes:

nanowrimo word count: 2851 — going good so far!

November 2, 2008 at 8:14 pm Leave a comment


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