Posts tagged ‘nsync’

when you see a shooting star…

… all your problems seem so far

I genuinely believe that nothing can cure a crappy mood like hysterically cheesy and undeniably catchy 90s pop music.

My medicine of choice is NSync’s debut album, complete with the version they released in Europe with five bonus songs. I actually love admitting that I adore NSync. I’ve seen them in concert several times, and would be one of the first people in line — okay, in the iTunes store — if they reunited and came out with a new album. I have all of their albums, including some random ones: the aforementioned European debut album, some sampler album from Herbal Essences that also has some funny Britney Spears songs on it, and the DisneyMania album on which they sing ‘When You Wish Upon A Star.’

I’m listening to NSync nonstop, because lately, I’ve been wallowing a bit, and I’m freaking sick of it. I’m incredibly ready for the next part of my life — whatever the hell it ends up being — but I’m kind of stuck where I am. I’m staying in Arizona for five and a half more months, and then I’m moving in with my parents for a few months, while I wait to find out what the next part of my life will be: grad school or a new job.

It annoys me to no end that I have basically no forward movement at the moment. And what annoys me even more, is that I’ve become sloth-like. To the point that I’m not even working on what little forward movement things I really do need to be working on.

So I’m listening to my musical lovers… those studmuffins of the late-90s. Who I seriously thought I would meet and marry someday. Ah, to be a teenybopper again.

But seriously, how can you not get happier with lyrics like this:

here we go / one more time / everybody’s feeling fine / here we go now
yes yes yes here we go / nsync has got the flow
put your head to the beat / we’ve got everything you need / here we go now
yes yes yes here we go / nsync has got the flow


(the post title is also part of an nsync song… pluto will be a planet again — and not sad and dejected out in space — if you know which one!*)

*I really hope you know I can’t promise this… but that would be the most kickin’ prize ever. Our generation gets the best “When I Was Your Age” finisher ever…. When I was your age… Pluto was a planet. F-yeah, dude.

October 9, 2008 at 9:17 pm 3 comments


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